Willy Mosete


WILLY MOSETE EPANZOLA is an artist of Congolese origin who obtained his painting diploma from Académie des Beaux-Arts in Kinshasa. His artistic approach focuses on depicting the urban history of sub-Saharan African cities, with the central figures being children who roam around neighborhoods, prefectures, streets, avenues, and even footbridges or tunnels in districts or municipalities. The imaginative world of the children he paints likely derives from African slums in general, and specifically from the real-life environment of Kinshasa city. Here, children often leave school to play with various objects that interest them, occasionally forgetting their afternoon meals until their bodies demand rest in the evening.

MOSETE provides a narrative through his pictorial canvases, portraying the playful scenes of children born and raised in Kinshasa, influenced by various positive forces such as education, church, and parental support. Despite the challenges posed by juvenile delinquency in various forms that threaten the well-being of children, their innocent and unconscious souls remain unaffected by phenomena like “Kuluna” and others.

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