Hosties Noires

La Furie Prisca M. Monnier , 2022 , Bruxelles, Kinshasa

Prisca is the first name my mother gave me, Munkeni is my father’s name, Fury is the name I chose. The country that saw me born is not mine, the state that saw me grow up has disappeared, the nation of my passport barely exists. There remains my culture, with a memory weakened by the upheavals of history, and whose survival rests only on a handful of people, an oral tradition whose breath is diminishing.

Without doubt, this is the breeding ground for my art…” – this propensity to want to create a dialogue between frozen moments, to extend their existence to infinity, to force them to speak in an environment saturated with elements, with light. Over time, objects, places or characters through which our identity is forged dissipate, turning into memories with diaphanous shapes.

The weight of their meaning, the frustrations or pride generated are slowly buried in our daily lives, on the verge of oblivion. And memory, caught up in this daily life, loses the thread: why we cry, why we love, why we live… A banal journey, a traced path, a marked route. Zairian, born in Brussels in 1981, raised in Kinshasa. I branched off…Johannesburg where my art blossomed. Then Paris, the explosion.

  • La Furie Prisca M. Monnier
  • Kinshasa
  • Photography, Prints
  • Dibond
  • 02
  • 47 1/5 × 31 1/2 in | 120 × 80 cm
  • Hand-signed by artist, Back

Inspired by the Novel by Nella Larsen “Passing” - the series explore the complexities of the desire to achieve “whiteness” to feel secure, seen or identified. Historically, the term has been used primarily in the United States to describe a black or brown person or of multiracial ancestry who (“passes”) assimilates into the white majority to escape the legal and social conventions of racial segregation and discrimination. The phenomenon has been a common practice in the 1920’s but is stillpresent in today’s society under different forms and notions like “codenswitching” or “blackfishing”.

Skin [mposó] is a Mood piece questionning social representations throughout history and what has been passsed on from generations to generations through a epigenetic* approach, exposing the psychological implications and the traumas inherited. The series highlight the stories untold that we carry like a badge of honour or dishonour as well as what our skin represents, what it reveals, the priviledges and the misfortunes in today’s schizophrenic World / And depict The paradox between the weight of history we hold on to, the freedom we seek from it and the hurge to deconstruct the persistent myths and prejudices around our identities

They made a big cemetery
under the white sun » __Léopold Sédar Senghor
PEACE PRAYER for the great organs
[Black Hosts]

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